1 short of a bunch

Two Pais girls living it up in Vancouver for God!

Friday, October 13, 2006

2 Roses and a Tom....

So Tom and the Roses went on a mini adventure around Vancouver last night. Tom is only here for a week so we decided to take him to Stanley Park. Ok, so we ended up seeing Stanley Park for a maxium of 5 minutes (if that)! But it was still a good evening.

After meeting up we went to get food for our picnic in the park. The thing that took the most time was deciding where and what to eat. After lots of 'I'm not fussy where do you guys want to go?' we ended up getting a yummy pizza. But because it took us SO long to decide, it was already going dark...we wandered along the water front for a little while and ate pizza and chatted before getting to the entrance of Stanley Park and standing in awe at the AMAZINGNESS of the city we live in, before leaving after 5 minutes due to HUGE dairy queen cravings on the Roses part...mmmm ice cream...

On our travels we also saw some pretty cool stuff...not quite as WOW and cool as Mr Bert the Racoon though...
We saw an upside down church...we weren't too sure either..., and I saw my first Canada Goose in Canada!!

Thanking you to Tom for looking after the Roses so well. Twas a good picnic...
Hopfully there will be some pictures soon...watch this space!

Much love, Rose and Rose xxx


  • At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey, that was an awesome night - well for me anyway :p! i had fun spray painting to! but back home now :(, but gotta hit the ground running! hope you guys are good, and manage to use the $100 wisely! oh, and hope campus fire goes awesome too! hope the signs were ok :P!


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